Pipeline for Salesforce – Be less busy, less mistake in Salesforce metadata deploy
- Aug
- 07
- Posted by Lin
- Posted in Apps, Open Source, Salesforce

Pipeline is a FULL GUI metadata deploy app for Salesforce developers, supports:・Deploy metadata from Git Repository (Github, Bitbucket, Backlog, GitLab …) to Salesforce, base on Branch, PRs or Commits.
・Deploy metadata between two different Salesforce organizations or sandboxs as Changeset.
・Export / Import Changeset configuration with Excel/CSV in seconds.
・Destruct any metadata you want to delete.
Pipeline is a truly open source app, you can download and run from Github Release:
Download from Github.com
Why Pipeline?
Salesforce has many ways to do deploy metadata, Changeset, Eclipse IDE, Force.com Migration Tool(Ant), MavensMate and Salesforce DX, which is published in recent years.Changeset is the most stable, but it is also the most cost time way. If you need to manage over 5 Sandboxs in your organization, that will be a hell.
Salesforce DX, seems cool and good, and there will be great if it has any GUI interface.
With CI service and Ant, such as Travis, you can also configure a automation deploy enviroment base on Github Branch, it always runs full metadata deploy and must fails if any Apex Batch is running in your Salesforce Org.
PS. The real reason I decide to develop Pipeline is that we had to deploy over 4 times(include rehearsals) every week at some time in the past, as a Salesforce vendor, there was a huge-load on my finger everyday, then I’d got Tenosynovitis one day and could not use mouse and my first finger for almost one month… : (
The usage is pretty simple, first connect your git / organization, with Github, Git(HTTPS) or Salesforce account.
Deploy base on git flow
Then start to deploy with creating a new Pipeline, you can deploy metadata from Github branch, that will pull full metadata from the branch and deploy, and you can also deploy from pull requests and commits, which supports deploy only diff files in pull requests or commits, as below:
Deploy base on Changeset
Pipeline supports you to deploy from one Sandbox to another, even between different Salesforce Organizations. You can create a pipeline as changeset, import target components from Excel or CSV (this feature is coming soon), and export components to Excel file as a Metadata Resource List.
Now, a Pipeline is ready to deploy, Run it and check deploy result as below:
Want to clean on your Salesforce org? The only thing you need to do is select metadata and destruct its, it’s that easy as below:
Please feel free to report issue on Github Issuse or pull request to me, I’ll fix it ASAP!Release Notes
・Added feature of HTTPS git.2018/11/05
・Added feature of metadata sort and last modified date output to excel.2018/10/23
・Added feature of destruct metadata.・Fixed bugs.
・Added features of Export and Import with Excel.・Added feature of filter Custom Field by Object Name.
・Fixed many bugs.
・Beta released.Enjoy it!
Post Tagged with ANT, Backlog, Bitbucket, Branch, Changeset, Commit, Deploy, Eclipse IDE, Force.com Migration Tool, Git flow, Github, GitLab, GUI, mavensmate, Metadata, Pipeline, Pull Request, Salesforce, Salesforce DX
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